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2018 Irish Property Sellers Guide


From the beginning of an idea to sell up, to the valuation and staging of your home there are quite a few steps involved in getting through the whole selling process. Once you have started you will be happy to see progress being made albeit, slowly. Here are some of the steps you will have to take to sell your property:



The first step is always to contact the team at Kinsella Estates to discuss your options and the current selling environment so that you will have a better idea about what to expect. Next, we can arrange to visit your home or investment property to carry out a valuation and offer advice on work to be carried out in advance of viewings.



If you are going to sell your property you will need a solicitor to arrange the title deeds and for the selling process. A conveyancing solicitor is usually best as they are experienced in everything property related and they will prepare title deeds and contracts for the sale of your property. If you need a recommendation for a good, local solicitor just ask us.


 BER rating

Before you put your property online for sale you must have a BER rating so prospective buyers can avail of this information. Furthermore, if you don’t get one it could hold up the sale of the property as it will be required by the purchasers’ solicitors.


Contact your mortgage lender

Be sure to let your bank/mortgage lender know that you are planning to sell your property. They will assist you in anything you require and offer advice regarding buying a new property if you plan to do so.  Most importantly, they will make the title deeds available to your solicitor so that contracts can be prepared.


Repair and De-clutter

We say this a lot, simply because it is so important, before you let any prospective buyers into your home you carry out minor repairs to make your home more appealing. Fix anything that is broken and freshen up rooms with where possible. This is a great time to start packing for the move and use the opportunity to donate items that are no longer needed. New home, fresh start!



The garden is one of the first things prospective buyers will see when arriving to your property so ensure it looks well. You can make it inviting by keeping the lawn cut, cleaning the driveway and with the addition of some colourful plants. Don’t forget the back garden either and while it may not matter as much as the front it still needs to look clean and tidy.


Staging and Viewings

Prior to viewings you can stage your home to look its very best by cleaning your home and adding some subtle plants/flowers to the rooms. Lighting is key too and ensure all lights are in working order and if you have kids or pets remember to tidy their usual areas, so no hint of their messiness is in the home during viewings.


Bids and Paperwork

There will be several viewings usually before anyone will make a bid but, in some cases, it can be a lot quicker. The Kinsella Estates team will advise you on bids and all aspects of the sales process. Once you have accepted a bid, we will let your solicitor know as soon as we have received the booking deposit.



Once your property goes sale agreed you will need to allow access for your purchasers’ surveyor to enter and inspect your property. Where we receive feedback on this survey, we will share it with you immediately.


Closing day

Congratulations you have sold your property and now is the time for us to hand over your keys to the new owner.  Selling your home for any reason can be quite emotional, even when you are looking forward to the start of a new adventure. Be prepared for mixed emotions on the day and take away the stress by being packed and prepared for the move a few days in advance.



For your FREE, no obligation, valuation in the South Wicklow and North Wexford area, call into one of our offices (located in Carnew and Gorey) and chat to any of our expert team or you can contact us online at We are happy to facilitate overseas buyers and sellers via Skype or similar, outside of regular office hours.  Alternatively, email me directly on or telephone: +353 53 94 21718

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