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Checklist for property sellers


Checklist for Property Sellers

Selling your home (or investment property) can seem overwhelming when you first start thinking about it.  As second-generation estate agents, we genuinely understand that a lot of work goes into researching and actually making the decision to sell before you even consider embarking on the sales process.  So, with that in mind, we wanted to make life a bit easier for prospective sellers by preparing a handy checklist – be sure to add your own and to let us know anything else that ought to be included on this list:

  1. Is selling the right decision for you?

So often, this very important first step gets overlooked as being obvious but for many people, it is not obvious at all.  Irish people tend to move home less often than our UK neighbours (not counting the dreaded student and early career rentals!) so, in our experience, it is something that families think about for a year or perhaps even two years before they actually bring their homes to the market.  And we understand that.  It is a huge decision for people to make for their families, whether their children are young or whether they have left the family home for college or to start their careers elsewhere, the family home is still considered the family home.  The decision is about more than finances and convenience or even suitability, there is an emotional component that makes it difficult to reach a decision. At Kinsella Estates, we get to know our sellers and try our best to understand the emotional elements as well as the practical aspects like whether this is a good time to sell the type and value of property that you own.  We see our job at this stage as providing the right market and financial information so that you, the seller, can make the right personal decision.

  1. Check local property prices via the property price register

Once you have made the decision to sell, it is important to get a sense of local values.  Local properties listings are helpful, as it the national property price register – which is publically accessible.  Please bear in mind that this register can be a few months behind as the conveyancing process usually takes a few months from going sale-agreed to actually closing the contracts and handing over keys so get up-to-date market information from your local agent.

  1. Get valuation and local insights – supply vs. demand

The next step is to get a valuation on your property, at Kinsella Estates, this is a complimentary service we offer to property owners.  This valuation is important, but of more importance, is to find out about local supply and demand levels.  This just one of the ways that local estate agents bring their expertise to the sales  process.  Market valuation is one thing, but you need to know what other properties on the market your home will be competing with.  Also, you need to know what level of demand exists – roughly how many buyers are currently looking for a property, similar to yours, and have the right budget to purchase?  This level of detail will greatly help a seller by setting very realistic expectations of the market and how well the property is likely to sell.

  1. Get your legal documentation in order and instruct your solicitor

Once you are happy with the valuation and ready to kick off the sales process, we always recommend instructing your family solicitor.  Once instructed, your solicitor will ‘take up’ the title deeds and supporting documentation from your bank.  Or, if there is no mortgage on the property, your solicitor will draft the contracts for sale so that they are ready to issue as soon as the property is sale-agreed.  By taking this step early, it eliminates potential delays and gives your solicitor an opportunity to request further documentation from you , for example, receipts of property tax or NPPR tax.

  1. BER

Most homes that have now been bought or sold in the last decade are unlikely to have a Building Energy Rating or BER certificate.  This is a mandatory certificate that every property being sold or leased must have and provide to the buyer or tenant.  At Kinsella Estates, we can organise  that for you quickly and at an inspection time that suits you.

  1. Preparing the property exterior

The next step is to prepare for the marketing photographs and content for your brochures and online listings.  In this increasingly busy  – and digital – age, it is crucial to have great photos (which we appreciate can be difficult in Irish weather, but luckily we work in the sunny south east so we have an advantage!).  If it is possible to spruce up the exterior and give it a paint job then we definitely recommend that, if not, clear away as much as possible and give the front door a fresh coat of paint and perhaps a seasonal planter outside.

  1. Preparing the interior for photos

We talk about preparing for viewings with buyers in another post but for today, it’s all about preparing for photographs.  The golden rule is to maximise light and space and to minimise ‘stuff’ or clutter.  Prospective buyers need to see your home presented in the best possible way and they want to see as many photographs as possible.  Remember, you are unlikely to sell your home to someone who doesn’t view it (with the exception of remote buyers via 3D tours, which we now offer) so the job of the brochure and online listing is to showcase your home to its best so that house-hunters will want to visit.

Kinsella Estates are on-hand to offer helpful and practical advice at every stage of the selling process.  We understand the importance of bringing your home to the market in a way it deserves, and we know how to attract attention from the right buyers to maximise the value and potential of your property.  Talk to us about your individual property and let us help you create the best first impression for your home.


For specific queries or to speak with a local property expert about your buying and selling needs in Wexford, Wicklow and surrounding areas, contact Michael, Alan or Eileen Kinsella at

Email me directly on or telephone : +353 53 94 21718                 

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