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Your Guide to the Help-to-Buy Scheme


Budget 2017 announced the Help-to-Buy scheme, which has proven controversial within the industry, to help intending first-time buyers to put together the deposit required to purchase or self-build their new house or apartment.

The scheme works by way of an income tax and DIRT tax refund, in respect of payments made over the previous four tax years. There are three types of applicants who can apply for the Help-to-Buy scheme, namely:  retrospective applicants or buyers whose contracts are signed between 19 July 2016 and 31 December 2016; first-time buyers whose contracts are signed between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2019; and first-time self-build applicants building between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2019.


  1. The buyer must be a first-time buyer, specifically, the buyer must not have either individually or jointly with any other person (directly or indirectly), previously purchased, or built a property.  Where more than one individual is involved in purchasing or building a new home, all of the individuals must be first-time buyers.
  2. The house or apartment must be a new-build (may be self-built)
  3. The purchase must be dated between 19 July 2016 and 31 December 2019
  4. The property must have been purchased or built as the first-time buyer’s home and not acquired for investment purposes.
  5. The property must be occupied by the first-time buyer, or at least one of the first-time buyers in the case of multiple first-time buyers (a group), for a period of five years.

How to apply:

  • Registered for myAccount (PAYE) or ROS (self-assessed)
  • PAYE taxpayers will need to complete Forms 12 (available through ROS) for the tax years selected for refund
  • Self-assessed taxpayer will need to complete Forms 11 (available through ROS) for each of the four years immediately prior to the claim. Please not that any outstanding taxes must be paid.

    In order to apply for the scheme/refund, buyers must enter the following information online:

  • Property details including address and price
  • Details of each first-time buyer and refund agreed
  • Developer/Contractor details or
  • Details of the Solicitor if self-building
  • Upload a copy of the signed
  • Balance of the deposit to be paid
  • Contract completion date
  • Mortgage details
  • For self-builders, proof of drawdown of the first mortgage tranche payment

All details must be verified by the Developer/Contractor in the case of a new build, or by the purchaser’s Solicitor in the case of a self-build, before the refund can be paid out.

  For further details on the scheme, contact the Office of the Revenue Commissioners


For specific queries or to speak with a local property expert about your buying and selling needs in Wexford, Wicklow and surrounding areas, contact Michael, Alan or Eileen Kinsella at .  Alternatively, you can email me directly on or telephone : +353 53 94 21718 to arrange a viewing on our qualifying new builds.

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