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What house-hunters are REALLY looking at when viewing your home

6 The Parade
6 The Parade

Forget the smell of home baking or fresh coffee brewing, a recent survey of house-hunters reveal that a surprisingly high figure of 95% will walk straight to the property’s windows to find out what the view is like.

This research is the first of its kind as it equipped house-hunters with eye-tracking goggles that recorded where people viewed, how often they returned to the same spot and how long they spent in any part of the room.

Now that I think about it, it makes complete sense. Buyers will know what the exterior of the  home looks like from the online posting and from arriving outside, as an estate agent, I know first-hand the importance of  ‘kerb appeal’.  And I can gauge the first impressions of prospective buyers the second they enter the house; some are more discreet (or polite!) than others but it doesn’t take long to figure out whether this is the home for them.

Once inside the front door, and this is true for most rooms they enter, viewers will instinctively head straight for the windows to check out the aspect of the room and, depending upon what they see, a certain impression is created.  This is why rural homes are best seen in daylight and preferably sunshine –   luckily for us, we operate out of the sunny South East so our homes have the edge.

So, knowing the importance of views to would-be buyers, it definitely makes sense to clean up the gardens, dispose of any rubbish or scrap metal and – depending upon the season – have a few planters positioned within the sight of the main windows.  Of course, as we approach daffodil season, this task becomes much easier.

Sellers, I have posted before on the importance of giving your home a thorough cleaning and decluttering before bringing your home to the market, so let’s add touching up the garden to the ‘to do’ list.  Also, knowing that intending buyers walk straight to the windows, please do ensure that window are sparkling clean, window stills are freshly dusted and decades-worth of ornaments are packed away, ready for moving to their new home.  I understand that it is difficult for proud homeowners to accept this but house-hunters need as blank a canvas as possible so that they can imagine their own possessions and family pictures in each room.

Also, while we always stay with the house-hunter to ensure the security and privacy of our sellers, most will look into larger storage presses and under the stairs so avoid the temptation to pile stuff in there when tidying.

Other surprising facts that this research showed up include how viewers barely glance at floors and surfaces but tend to pay more attention to ceiling and cornicing so be sure to keep an eye out for any draping cobwebs.

Finally, a bit of good news for sellers who are scrubbing their property, getting ready to present it to the market, apparent none of the house-hunters opened the oven to check how clean it was!

For specific queries or to speak with a local property expert about your buying and selling needs in Wexford, Wicklow and surrounding areas, contact Michael, Alan or Eileen Kinsella at .  Alternatively, you can email me directly on or telephone : +353 53 94 21718 to arrange a viewing on our qualifying new builds.

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