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Making bathrooms shine for viewings


Okay, now here’s something we don’t talk about too often – bathrooms – yet, the bathroom is one of the places house-hunters will be most interested in seeing. If your bathroom is a few decades old, it may not be particularly impressive, however, there are ways you can bring it to life without it costing a small fortune. A few little upgrades can make all the difference and make prospective buyers see the full potential of the property.


Here are a few (hopefully!) helpful tips on making bathrooms shine for viewings:


Change the taps

Changing the taps is a quick, easy and cost-effective way to bring a bathroom sink area to life. Taps come in all sorts of shapes and sizes now so you can play around with the look that suits the bathroom best.


Paint the bathroom

You may have a fully tiled bathroom and if you do, that is great but don’t forget to paint the ceiling of the bathroom as it will freshen the bathroom up. If you don’t have a fully tiled bathroom there is no need to panic as a fresh bit of paint over the walls will put a spring into the bathrooms step. There is also a cheap option of painting old or tired tiles as well as regrouting them to brighten them up or you could change it altogether…


Change the flooring 

If you find that your flooring needs a revamp and you have the budget, then definitely consider changing the flooring with either new tiles or engineered wooden flooring. The engineered wooden flooring is best for bathrooms as it has a plywood base that holds up well against high moisture. Of course, you can always opt for porcelain or ceramic tiles either which depending on the style can range in price. 


Scrub the bathroom

This might sound obvious but we are talking DEEP, deep cleaning. This means getting down and cleaning everything in the bathroom including the toilet bowl and bath. The hint of dark marks do not make the best impression so ensure the bathroom surroundings are sparkling. Before viewings do a final check on the space and make sure there is no rubbish or unsightly marks on the bath or sinks.


Check the lighting

If your bathroom has an overhead light then it will need to be cleaned too as some get rather dusty and attract a whole manner of species. Make sure the lightbulb is the right wattage and allows viewers to see the bathroom properly.


Remove mats and create a sense of space

Again, this comes down to decluttering as no viewer needs to see the huge amounts of shampoo you have. Remove the things that aren’t needed and even if bits and bobs are stored in cupboards, remember that viewers like to snoop so create a sense of space by half filling the shelving and cupboards. Mats were traditionally used in bathrooms but they are messy and a better option is a bamboo wooden mat that sits on the floor perfectly.


Add some plants

A bathroom will look brighter with the addition of some plants and natural influences. Reduce the clutter and think minimalist to have a bathroom that is clean and sophisticated. Too much clutter, colours or textures could prove off putting to some prospective buyers.



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