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On-going maintenance of coastal homes

There are so many benefits to living close to the coast; areas of natural beauty, beaches within walking distance, the fresh salty air and sea breeze to mention a few. However, coastal homeowners know that there is a price to pay for this natural luxury on an on-going basis.  If you live near the coast, features of your home and garden are likely to have a shorter life span, but it will be beautiful and scenic. Coastal homes are exposed to more of nature’s elements, which can cause a few problems. Here are a few ways to get the best out of your coastal home and avoid letting it get worse for wear:



As a coastal home doesn’t have as much protection as one in a more urban or inland setting, this leaves them open to constant wear. Homes surrounded by trees and shade reduce this slightly, but a coastal home is located right in the centre of harsh winds and sea air. Doing some regular painting will reduce the chances of your home becoming incredibly tired looking or alternatively, power washing is another good method to get rid of sand, dirt and grime.  There is a special range of paint designed for coastal homes, speak to your painting contractor about this.  It might be worth going premium for the longevity of your home’s exterior.



Check seals around windows and doors, especially if your coastal home is an apartment. Penetrating water can damage window and doors seals; the upkeep of them is a lot less costly than them breaking altogether. Check wires and cords all over the house every 6 months or so to ensure they are safe and repair if needed. Inspect bath tubs, showers and sinks too to ensure they are working properly. If they show any sign of deterioration replace them at your earliest convenience. Preventative maintenance is always more cost-effective than neglect and repair.



For starters, if you have decking it will need to be treated annually to stay healthy and clean. This isn’t too difficult to do with some decking oil/paint to keep it in the best shape possible. The shed/roof needs to be inspected at least once a year too as again, the harsh air can cause damage to structures but getting it early saves a lot of hassle down the line. There will be some plants and flowers unable to live in such a habitat so when buying plants or flowers at your garden centre for advice and design some sheltered areas into your garden design.


Sand woes

If your property is right on the beach you may understand how difficult it is to keep the sand out of your home – by the way, know that this is a problem most people are envious of!  Having said that, sand in the home comes with its own problems, including sand in the shower or pipes. You will need to be meticulous in reducing sand in your home. Clean off everything before you enter your home and don’t be afraid to ask others to do so as if there is a huge amount of sand build up it could cause problems in your drains later. Most coastal homes install a tap outside the door or a shower just inside to eliminate this problem.



You may not realise this but by leaving your windows open – particularly with sea air – can erode your appliances which can be costly. It is advised that you clean down everything regularly and perhaps, keep windows and doors closed for a few hours during the day. A bit of deep cleaning is required when you have a coastal home but by doing so you are saving yourself money and hassle with potential breakages.


On balance, the benefits of living in a coastal home far outweigh the issues outlined above.  Some simple and regular maintenance will help to avoid problems so you and your family can enjoy the best Ireland’s sunny south east has to offer!


For your FREE, no obligation, valuation in the South Wicklow and North Wexford area, call into one of our offices (located in Carnew and Gorey) and chat to any of our expert team or you can contact us online at We are happy to facilitate overseas buyers and sellers via Skype or similar, outside of regular office hours.  Alternatively, email me directly on or telephone: +353 53 94 21718


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