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The Importance of Neighbourliness


With Ireland’s annual Streetfest just around the corner (10th June, STREETFEST DETAILS)  it made us think about all the buyers settling into their new neighbourhoods this summer, here are a few tips that we have picked up over the years:

If you are moving into a new or second-hand home, you are going to face the issue of getting to know your neighbours. Whether you want to keep to yourself or not, it is always advisable to introduce yourself to your area and build up relationships with your new neighbours. For many reasons neighbourliness is vitally important, and it is something you should try and initiate once you move into a new area.


Get to know people


Getting to know your next-door neighbours is not the easiest thing to do in the world unless you are extremely chatty. It also helps if your neighbours are friendly too! Be careful upon arrival to your new area and be respectful of others. If it is late avoid making noise on your first night. Remember that first impression matters and if you arrive with noise and screaming kids it may not be helpful to your long-term relationship.

It is ideal if you have good neighbours, but some people are more difficult to get to know than others and you should accept this. However, for the more difficult neighbours there are usually some good ones too and neighbours can make your life easier.


Community life


Building a community in the area you live is advised as not only does it create a happier environment, but it introduces people to the area that may not know the town or place they live in, well. Try to chat to new neighbours and lead the neighbourhood a good example by being proactive in the community. Build a network via a Facebook group page, prepare neighbourhood newsletters or meetings and organise playdays on the green as well as clean up days.

It may not seem a big deal but to live in a community means you will always have support at times when you require it. It makes life worthwhile (for some) who may not have family living close by or friends in the area. Essentially, the estate you live in should become a huge part of your socialising and brings with it a lovely sense of security. Many neighbours will look after each other’s kids if needed and during times of emergencies, neighbours are often the people first on site to offer help and guidance.


Working together


You should extend/return favours and be reliable for your neighbours, by doing so you will receive rewards. Your children will find their new community is akin to a family and therefore, love their neighbours and neighbourhood. A house is never a home without love and care, so a good community can instil a basic feeling of well-being. It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child and this is true. Children too, need relationships and opportunities to socialise with neighbours’ kids. These will be their friends and, in some cases, their first real friends.

Neighbourhoods and neighbourliness is created by people who share a love for one place and this can only be a good thing. It should never be underestimated as everyone should feel a part of something – and that something is the place you live.


If you are considering buying or selling in the South Wicklow and North Wexford areas in 2018, call into one of our offices (located in Carnew and Gorey) and chat to any of our expert team or you can contact us online at We are happy to facilitate overseas buyers and sellers via Skype or similar, outside of regular office hours.  Alternatively, email me directly on or telephone: +353 53 94 21718

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