Everyone loves to stay in hotels for the added luxury and while your home can be stylish and decorative it is always nice to enjoy the glamour of a hotel stay. New homes are beautiful but there is always room to improve them with some added luxury and here we share some tips on bringing some hotel luxury into your home:
- Gorgeous Armchairs – Hotels are always blessed with gorgeous armchairs and sofas that are stylish and comfortable. Armchairs are especially popular right now and they are a good addition to any room and they can be popped into bedrooms or sitting rooms for effect.
- Luxurious Bed Sheets – One of the best things about staying in a hotel is the clean and crisp sheets with glamorous bed throws and pillows. Luckily, luxury bed sheets are available to invest in and cherish!
- Marble Tables – Marble says luxury and it looks fantastic. A marble table is a good investment and it is perfect for those who like a contemporary style in their dining room. Add in some comfortable chairs and the dining room can look just as well as a hotel restaurant once you add a vase with flowers and a bucket for your champagne!
- Wall Lamps – The overhead wall lamp looks great and they are extremely popular right now too. Perfect for bedrooms, they give you more space on your bedside table and they make a room look a lot more hotel-like!
- Cushions – Velvet cushions add a little more jazz to a room and they are gorgeous to look at but satin cushions are ideal too. With every colour and design available cushions can be bought for any room and no matter what the decor is.
- Large Rugs – Simply perfect to sink your feet into as nothing is better than a warming rug to walk on. Furthermore, they add a lot to a room especially if your floors are tiled or are wooden. The addition of a large rug gives an air of cosiness and luxury.
- Wall Art – You’d be hard pressed to not find a hotel with an extensive and wonderful range of art pieces throughout the hotel. Bringing some wall art into your home is a nice way to add character to it and shopping for art pieces is fun too!
- Cosy Bathrobes and Slippers – You know the type, right? The ones that are super warm and cosy that you can sink into after a hot shower. It gives you some of that hotel chic with slippers to match and they look great hanging on the back of your en-suite door too!
- Desk Table and Chair – Everyone needs an area to write notes, work or study so a good desk and chair is vital. The ones is hotels are extremely stylish and you can dress your up with some nice stationery.
- Breakfast Tray Set – For breakfast in bed, everyone needs a tray set and though it may not be used regularly, it is a nice treat.
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