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Wexford builder is the new chairman of IHBA


Congratulations to Wexford builder, Anthony Neville, of Anthony Neville Homes, on his recent appointment as Chairman of the Irish Home Builders Association (IHBA) for 2017 and 2018.

It is great to see a provincial builder at the helm, particularly at such an important time for residential building.   He has pledged to address the main issues hindering new development outside of Dublin, namely, the high cost of building, and he is optimistic about development prospects here in the South East.  Shortly after his appointment, he had the following to say:

“We have seen in some areas of provincial Ireland that house building has recommenced again. This is only in areas where the sales price of houses has exceeded the construction costs, therefore creating a margin that makes it viable for the homebuilders to secure finance from their financial institutions and build much required homes.  We, at Anthony Neville Homes, have been lucky over the last number of years to have had exposure to the greater Dublin area on our sites in Maynooth, Kinsealy and Saggart, where we have seen continuous demand for our product. However, over the last 12 months we have noticed the increase in demand spreading down through Wicklow to our site at Baltinglass and hopefully we will be recommencing construction at one of our Enniscorthy sites in Co. Wexford. Members of the IHBA have experienced increased demand in places such as Gorey, Kilkenny, Portlaoise and Tullamore, so whilst the recovery is taking a lot longer than we had hoped, it is spreading gradually further away from Dublin.”

Help-to-Buy under threat

Anthony is also a strong supporter of the help-to-buy(HTB)  scheme and has spoken out about the need to retain the initiative after news last week that the aid scheme for first-time buyers might be shut down.   This is certainly positive for first-time buyers who are eligible for the scheme but perhaps not for those who have worked outside of Ireland for the last few years and are finding themselves at a disadvantage when it comes to bidding on property back in Ireland.  The application of the tax relief means that eligible first-time buyers can outbid non-eligible buyers (of equal financial status) for the same property but it only applies to new homes.

In fact, buyers  who are not entitled to avail of the HTB relief are much better off looking at contemporary or recently built second-hand homes.  This offers a good opportunity for sellers and those thinking of selling in 2017.  If you are considering selling and want to know a bit more about your market and about demand for your particular property locally, just contact us for a quick and confidential chat.

The M11 motorway has made towns like Arklow and Gorey much more attractive to buyers.  Here at Kinsella Estates, we are currently listing a great three-bed semi-detached house in Arklow, just five minutes off the M11 motorway and less than 40 minutes from Dublin.

Link to further details here:

84 The Avenue, Meadowvale, Arklow, County Wicklow


This beautiful property is presented in showhouse condition.  Call us now to arrange a viewing on +353 53 9421718.  Also, don’t forget that we accommodate house-hunters and buyers from outside of Ireland and can do a virtual walkthrough of this or any of our other listed properties.  If you need extra help, just ask!


For specific queries or to speak with a local property expert about your buying and selling needs in Wexford, Wicklow and surrounding areas, contact Michael, Alan or Eileen Kinsella at

Email me directly on or telephone : +353 53 94 21718       

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